Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Temple of the Seven Golden Camels: A Quick Primer on Values

Story telling with values...this is an excerpt from an article about values which I found very interesting: Temple of the Seven Golden Camels: A Quick Primer on Values

"Here is the same drawing in three different versions so you can see what a difference tones can make in the feeling and intent of a drawing. In the first drawing a woman reacts to a door opening. She seems startled that the door is opening but not overly concerned. Within the context of a story, maybe her husband has come home early and startled her or something like that. The situation could be dangerous but the image isn't telling you that yet.

In the second one I have added tones to help organize the information and make the drawing easier to read, as well as more interesting. But the story content hasn't really changed. The woman seems startled that someone is entering but not too shocked or concerned.

In the third drawing the door opening has a much more ominous feel, due to the heavier use of tones and the use of contrasting tones. I haven't changed her expression or the staging, and both of those things would be very helpful in heightening the drama of the scene...but I wanted to use the exact same drawing each time to show how much of a difference tones can make by themselves. This time, it suggests that someone dangerous and unexpected is arriving and that the girl is more fearful than just surprised.

To be honest, I admit that I sometimes use tones to convey an idea when I know I should redraw it to get better staging or a more pushed expression. Tones can carry a drawing even when it's not quite there (but you didn't hear that from me)."

Read the full article here:
Temple of the Seven Golden Camels: A Quick Primer on Values

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