Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Class 4 Begins!!!

We just started Class 4 - advanced acting. Wow, this is going to be a tough one I expect! I have Dana Boadway as my mentor, heard a lot of great stuff about her.

First exercise - complete facial expression for the previous assignment. Week 1 - block out facial expressions + lip sync.

Hmm.... It looks like the blogger editor changed and there is no option to upload a video?! In Any case, I'll post the video of my first week assignment later. --- Ah, I found it was the new blog editor, they just forgot to add the Video button! I switched back to the old one and here is the upload!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Class 4! Great class. I had Dana Boadway and she's really great.

Good luck, Gabi!