Thursday, September 10, 2009

Class 3 Week 11 - Polishing the Dialog

Last week is coming up in this term. I'm now working on the polish of the dialog assignment. This is what I have so week end of term + Rosh Hashana!

This rig doesn't have much facial expressions, that'll come next term.


Anonymous said...

Sup Gabi? I found your blog!

I know it's a bit late for comments, since it's already Saturday. But I think I'll point out some issues anyway :P

Check out her left arm around f150 - it pops out in a weird way. Try smoothing it a bit.
Also, at the beginning, after she wipes her nose with her arm she brings her arm back unnaturally: the wrist stays up and goes back. This gesture isn't smooth and looks very mechanical. The wrist is also horizontal, which is bad posing. I suggest you make a nice arc down after she wipes her nose and reaches for the tissue box.

I'm not sure you can change this now, but try keeping the head higher so her lips can be more visible. It's hard to see her acting if her face is down, especially while she's talking.

Nice job :) Can't wait to see other stuff you make!

Unknown said...

Hey Yair! Thanks for the comments. Already Saturday? It's only Saturday, that's almost like two more days till deadline :). I'll check those points you made.